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Safe Places National Network

Widgit believes that no matter what your level of reading, you should have fair and equal access to information.

Widgit have pioneered the use of symbols in learning and communication for over 30 years. Our software is used around the world to create symbol-supported materials in print, on-screen and online. We also offer services to help organisations make their information more accessible.

The Widgit Symbols Set is designed in collaboration with language and communication experts and includes more than 13,000 symbols. People facing communication challenges, those with learning difficulties or with English as an Additional Language (EAL) can all use symbols to gain access to written information and enable communication.

With Widgit’s PC software, you can create printed and interactive materials for symbol users, or enable them to author their own. Online, you can create, save and share SymWriter documents in a browser or use symbols to support the text on your website.

Our design team provide expert advice and skills for the development of accessible symbol resources. We can design new symbols and produce symbol supported documents and materials tailored to suit your needs.

You can find Widgit symbols in a range of third party software, devices, products and services. Licensing Widgit symbols can help you provide inclusive solutions that make a positive difference to the lives of individuals and communities.
